Detransitioner Needs Survey
Invitation to Participate in Data Collection
Analytics Of The Survey Are Currently Being Performed By The University of Northern Colorado – Sociology Department.
Hello! Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics (ReIME) is a new US-based nonprofit that advocates for the highest standards of care in the area of identity medicine for children and youth. Last fall, we began a project aimed at determining the needs of those who had undergone a gender transition and then stopped for any reason. We consulted with numerous detransitioners in developing the survey. We were able to secure support with data collection and interpretation via Dr. Angie Henderson, an applied sociology professor at the University of Northern Colorado. Dr. Henderson researches sex trafficking, gender, and other relevant areas. She has become interested in detransition and has been enthusiastic in her support for our survey. Her support for our survey will allow us to have more robust data collection and analysis. Feel free to email Dr. Henderson at [email protected] if you have questions about the survey or data collection.
ReIME is an all-volunteer organization. I am one of the founders and a board member. I’m a psychotherapist who has worked with several detransitioned clients. The survey was developed by myself on a volunteer basis with some help from a colleague. ReIME raised a small amount of money from a few personal donations to pay a research assistant to help input data. We are not affiliated with any larger organization, and we have no political agenda. We simply want to document the needs of detransitioned people.
We will use the information to highlight the needs of the growing community of detransitioners by communicating our findings to the media. We also hope to use this information when applying for grants or raising funds for programs to help detransitioners.
This needs assessment differs from the research currently being conducted by Lisa Littman. Our research is open to detransitioners of any age and from any country. It is also focused narrowly on determining the unmet needs of this population. You can participate in both studies, provided that you are eligible.
If you consider yourself a detransitioner, we hope you will consider taking a few moments to complete our survey. Please also consider sharing it with other detransitioners or in your social media networks.
Please click here to begin the survey.
Thank you! Lisa Marchiano, LCSW